Terms of use

Terms of use

BADANA COMMUNICATIONS AND BUSINESS PRIVATE LIMITED is the sole and absolute owner of & maintains www.worldnewsstudio.com and other mobile applications (Apps) (hereinafter “website”) This service is provided on an “As Is” basis & is continually under development BADANA COMMUNICATIONS AND BUSINESS PRIVATE LIMITED requires that all users/visitors to this site(s) on the World Wide Web (the “Site”) adhere to these Terms & Conditions [T&C] & Rules & Regulations [R&R].By accessing this Site you/user/visitor automatically confirm your acknowledgment & acceptance of these T&C & R&R which is the agreement between the parties. Copyright/Trademarks [Collectively “Intellectual Property Rights”]The trademarks, logos & service marks (“Marks”) displayed on the Site are the property of BADANA COMMUNICATIONS AND BUSINESS PRIVATE LIMITED & other parties. Users are prohibited from using any Marks for any purpose including, but not limited to use as metatags on other pages or sites on the World Wide Web without the written permission of BADANA COMMUNICATIONS AND BUSINESS PRIVATE LIMITED or such third party which may own the Marks. All information & content including any software programs available on or through the Site (“Content”) is protected by copyright. Users are prohibited from modifying, copying, distributing, transmitting, displaying, publishing, selling, licensing, creating derivative works or using any Content available on or through the Site for commercial or public purposes. BADANA COMMUNICATIONS AND BUSINESS PRIVATE LIMITED grants you a limited licence to access and make personal use of this site but not for commercial purposes. We permit the use of materials on this website subject to due credit is given to WORLDNEWSSTUDIO.COM The use shall also be subject to non-commercial use and limited to personal or academic dissemination. (including on social media and use on all kinds of media). Copyright should be acknowledged. Such use should not infringe on the Intellectual Property Rights of any person. When using material on this website, proper attribution to authors and/or copyright holders must be given. User is granted a limited, revocable and non exclusive right to create hyperlinks to the home page or any other page of BADANA COMMUNICATIONS AND BUSINESS PRIVATE LIMITED/worldnewsstudio.com so long as any of these links do not portray BADANA COMMUNICATIONS AND BUSINESS PRIVATE LIMITED, worldnewsstudio.com or their podcast or products or services in a false, misleading, derogatory or offensive manner. You may not use BADANA COMMUNICATIONS AND BUSINESS PRIVATE LIMITED’s logos or proprietary graphics or trademarks as part of the link without express permission. No WarrantiesALL CONTENT ON THE SITE IS PROVIDED TO YOU “AS IS” WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY & FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, SECURITY OR ACCURACY. BADANA COMMUNICATIONS AND BUSINESS PRIVATE LIMITED DOES NOT ENDORSE & IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE ACCURACY OR RELIABILITY OF ANY OPINION, ADVICE OR STATEMENT MADE THROUGH THE SITE BY ANY PARTY OTHER THAN BADANA COMMUNICATIONS AND BUSINESS PRIVATE LIMITED. OTHER THAN AS REQUIRED UNDER APPLICABLE LAW,UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCE WILL THG PUBLISHING PRIVATE LIMITED BE LIABLE FOR ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE CAUSED BY A USER’S RELIANCE ON INFORMATION OBTAINED THROUGH THE SITE. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE USER TO EVALUATE THE ACCURACY, COMPLETENESS OR USEFULNESS OF ANY OPINION, ADVICE OR OTHER CONTENT AVAILABLE ON/THROUGH THE SITE. 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All such submissions should not be illegal, obscene, threatening, defamatory or infringing on privacy or on intellectual property rights of others. Confidentiality Of User Communications Except as required by law BADANA COMMUNICATIONS AND BUSINESS PRIVATE LIMITED will maintain the confidentiality of all user communications which contain personal user information & which are transmitted directly to BADANA COMMUNICATIONS AND BUSINESS PRIVATE LIMITED. Postings by a user on any message board or in any chat room will not be protected as confidential & BADANA COMMUNICATIONS AND BUSINESS PRIVATE LIMITED may use & provide information contained in any such postings (including any ideas, concepts, know-how or other intellectual property) to BADANA COMMUNICATIONS AND BUSINESS PRIVATE LIMITED for any purpose whatsoever & as deemed appropriate by BADANA COMMUNICATIONS AND BUSINESS PRIVATE LIMITED. Linked Internet SitesBADANA COMMUNICATIONS AND BUSINESS PRIVATE LIMITED prohibits caching, unauthorized hypertext links to the Site & the framing of any Content available through the Site. BADANA COMMUNICATIONS AND BUSINESS PRIVATE LIMITED reserves the right to disable any unauthorized links or frames & specifically disclaims any responsibility for the Content available on any other Internet sites linked to the Site. Access to any other Internet sites linked to the Site is at the user’s own risk. Postings BADANA COMMUNICATIONS AND BUSINESS PRIVATE LIMITED is under no obligation to review any messages, information or content (“Postings”) posted on the Site by users & assumes no responsibility or liability relating to any such Postings. Notwithstanding the above, BADANA COMMUNICATIONS AND BUSINESS PRIVATE LIMITED may from time to time monitor the Postings on the Site & may decline to accept and/or remove any Postings that contain Any unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, profane, hateful, racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable material of any kind, including, but not limited to, any material which encourages conduct that would constitute a criminal offense, give rise to civil liability or otherwise violate any applicable local, state, national or international law. Advertisements or solicitations of any kind. Messages posted by users impersonating others. Personal information such as messages which state phone numbers, social security numbers, account numbers, addresses, or employer references. Messages by non-spokesperson employees of BADANA COMMUNICATIONS AND BUSINESS PRIVATE LIMITED purporting to speak on behalf of BADANA COMMUNICATIONS AND BUSINESS PRIVATE LIMITED. Messages that offer unauthorized downloads of any copyrighted or private information. Multiple messages placed within individual folders by the same user restating the same point. Chain letters /mails of any kind. Changes To R & R We reserve the right to revise these R & R at any time & Users are deemed to be apprised of & bound by any changes to these R & R. The latest updated R & R would be posted on the Site. Violation Of Rules & RegulationsBADANA COMMUNICATIONS AND BUSINESS PRIVATE LIMITED reserves the right to seek all remedies available at law & in equity for violations of these T&C & R&R, including the right to block access from a particular Internet address to the Site. Access To Password Protected/Secure Areas Access to & use of password protected and/or secure areas of the Site is restricted to authorized users only. Unauthorized individuals attempting to access these areas of the Site may be subject to prosecution. Arbitration Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this agreement, including any question regarding its existence, amendment, validity or termination, shall be referred to & finally resolved by arbitration in accordance with the Indian Arbitration & Conciliation Act, 1996. The arbitration shall be a “documents only”, evidence through affidavits “fast track” arbitration. The Tribunal shall consist of one (1) arbitrator to be appointed by BADANA COMMUNICATIONS AND BUSINESS PRIVATE LIMITED. The exclusive seats of arbitration shall be KUPWARA J&K, INDIA & the language of the arbitration shall be English. Governing Law This agreement shall be governed by & construed in accordance with the laws of India. User access to & use of the Site is subject to all applicable laws. Jurisdiction In respect of all matters/disputes arising out of, in connection with or in relation to this agreement, only the civil courts at kupwara J&K, India shall have jurisdiction, to the exclusion of all other courts. PublicationThe Web site is deemed to be published from/at J&K, India (irrespective of where it is accessed from).Online Payments ON LINE PAYEMENT BY USER/CUSTOMER IS SUBJECT TO THE ACCEPTANCE OF THE FOLLOWING TERMS AND CONDITIONS This online payment system is provided by THG PUBLISHING PRIVATE LIMITED ( MERCHANT). The terms and conditions shall be amended, changed and/or modified from time to time by the MERCHANT and any such amendments/ modifications / changes shall be effective forthwith. Terms & Conditions Please read these terms carefully before using the online payment facility for the Products and/or Services of MERCHANT. Using the online payment facility on this website indicates that you accept these terms and conditions. If you do not accept these terms do not use this facility. All payments are subject to the following conditions:-The Product and Services are as described in worldnewsstudio.com website, under various section. Please read carefully the description of the product/service before proceeding with payment Payment shall be made in advance for the Products and Services. All prices quoted are in Indian Rupees, unless explicitly stated otherwise. The MERCHANT reserves the right to change the prices at any time. Your payment will normally reach the MERCHANT account to which you are making a payment within two working days. The MERCHANT cannot accept liability for a payment not reaching the MERCHANT account due to you quoting an incorrect account number or incorrect personal details or for any other fault. The Merchant shall not accept liability if payment is refused or declined by the netbanking system / credit/debit card supplier for any reason. If the card supplier declines payment the MERCHANT is under no obligation to bring this fact to your notice. You should check with your bank/credit/debit card supplier that payment has been deducted from your account and reached the MERCHANT. In no event , the MERCHANT shall be liable for any loss, damages, compensation whatsoever arising out of the use, inability to use, or the results of use of this site, any websites linked to this site, or the materials or information contained at any or all such sites, whether based on warranty, contract, tort or any other legal theory and whether or not advised of the possibility of such damages. Refunds Refunds, if applicable, at the discretion of the MERCHANT and shall be made only to the netbanking account/debit/credit card used for the original transaction. For the avoidance of doubt nothing in this Policy shall require the MERCHANT to refund the Fees (or part thereof) unless such Fees (or part thereof) have previously been credited to the MERCHANT account. Contact Details:Email: info@worldnewsstudio.comAny matter, dispute, resolution on the presents are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of kupwara j&k Court only. IPRAll IPR in the content including the phots and works belong to Badana communications and business Private Limited Usage Subscriber agrees that all their information being accessible to BADANA COMMUNICATIONS AND BUSINESS PRIVATE LIMITED and/or third party. These information shall be used by BADANA COMMUNICATIONS AND BUSINESS PRIVATE LIMITED for such other activities of BADANA COMMUNICATIONS AND BUSINESS PRIVATE LIMITED as it may deem fit and proper. The privacy policy of the company shall be applicable to the subscriber.Redressal4.1 In the event of any grievances user can contact the grievance officer at info@worldnewsstudio.com or write to us at the following address BADANA COMMUNICATIONS AND BUSINESS PRIVATE LIMITED
 Termination5.1. We reserve the right to discontinue the service at our discretion and convenience.Jurisdiction6.1 All matters with respect to the Terms & Conditions are subject to the courts of KUPWARA J&K. Declaration by EU Users” By Using our platform or registration for our service, you agree to our terms and conditions at your sole risk and responsibility” Additional Terms of use for THG Digital Subscription By accessing the website at www.worldnewsstudio.com (“the Site”) or by otherwise accessing any content found on the website of Badana communications and business Private Limited, you are entering into an agreement with BADANA COMMUNICATIONS AND BUSINESS PRIVATE LIMITED and agree to the terms that follow (the “Terms”). Please review our Privacy Policy to learn more about how we use any information you provide about yourself. Registration, Passwords and Responsibilities• Your email address and password are personal to you and may not be used by anyone else to access worldnewsstudio.com Badana communications and business Private Limited assumes that by signing up you are of a minimum of 18 years of age or above and if you are not, you have signed up with the guidance and permission of your guardian. If not, the responsibility will be borne by the guardian of the minor or the minor, as the case may be.• You will not do anything which would assist anyone who is not a registered user to gain unauthorised access to registration or subscription.• You do not maliciously create additional registration accounts for the purpose of abusing the functionality of the site, or other users; nor do you seek to pass yourself off as another user.• You comply with these terms and conditions. If, for any reason, Badana communications and business Private Limited believes that you have not complied with these requirements, Badana communications and business private limited may at our discretion, cancel your access to the registration areas of worldnewsstudio.com and without giving you any advance notice. You are responsible for keeping your information and passwords up to date and confidential.Certain features of the Site may be open to registered users or subscribers only. By signing up on the Site and subscribing, you become a “Registered User”. Even if you are not subscribing, you still will become a “Registered User”. Being a Registered User shall entitle you to (i) Push Notifications (ii) Newsletters (iii) Any other worldnewsstudio.com Content which Badana communications and business Private Limited determines shall be part of the benefits of being a Registered User from time to time. Badana communications and business Private Limited reserves the right to amend or vary worldnewsstudio.com Content available to Registered Users from time to time. You are solely responsible for the confidentiality and use of and access to worldnewsstudio.com Content and the Site using your user name and/or password. You agree to immediately notify Badana communications and business Private Limited if you become aware of the loss, theft or unauthorised use of any password, user ID or e-mail address or of any worldnewsstudio.com Content. You will provide Badana communications and business Private Limited with accurate, complete registration information and inform Badana communications and business Private Limited of any changes to such information. For the purpose of confirming your compliance with these Terms, Badana communications and business Private Limited reserves the right to monitor and record activity on the Site, including access to worldnewsstudio.com Content. Each registration and subscription is for the personal use of the Registered User or subscriber only. You may not share your log-in details or password with any other person. You may not share or transfer your subscription with any one. Badana communications and business Private Limited does not allow multiple users (networked or otherwise) to access the Site through a single name and password and may cancel or suspend your access to the Site if you do this, or breach any of these Terms without further obligation to you. Subscription and Cancellation Badana communications and business Private Limited reserves the right to vary the amount of content and types of service that it makes available to different categories of users at any time, including without limitation to Registered Users. •BADANA COMMUNICATIONS AND BUSINESS PRIVATE LIMITED provides a subscription that allows our subscribers to access worldnewsstudio.com content over the Internet to certain mobile phones, computers and other devices. By subscribing to the worldnewsstudio.com you deem to accept the Terms & Conditions. Renewal Unless specifically stated in any Subscription offer or promotion when you place your Subscription order with Badana communications and business Private Limited. Badana communications and business Private Limited will contact you at the end of the initial subscription period with an offer to renew your subscription at the then prevailing renewal rate, which may be changed from time to time. CancellationTo cancel your subscription, please write to info@worldnewsstudio.com. No refund is applicable after 7 days from the day of purchasing the product. Contract and Disputes Badana communications and business Private Limited shall provide your Subscription in accordance with these Terms (and the terms of any offer or promotion that may apply to your Subscription). As further detailed above you have legal rights with regards to your subscription including the right to cancel. Should you have any queries please contact us at info@worldnewsstudio.com Fees and Payments You are responsible for any fees that are payable including any processing or other fees charged by the issuing bank/payment provider. The price to be paid for your Subscription will be made clear to you on the Subscription order pages or otherwise during the order process and may vary from time to time. You agree to pay the fees at the rates notified to you at the time you purchase your Subscription together with any processing or other associated fees charged by the issuing bank/payment provider. Eligibility for any discounts if applicable is ascertained at the time you subscribe and cannot be changed during the term of your Subscription. All payments from outside India (including any applicable taxes) must be made in US Dollars. If we find out that you are from outside India and are transacting in INR, your account will be suspended You are responsible for the payment of all charges associated with the use, by you or someone else, of the Site using your ID. When you purchase a Subscription or access to any other Content owned by worldnewsstudio.com, you must provide Badana communications and business Private Limited with complete and accurate payment information. By submitting payment details you confirm that you are entitled to use those payment details for this purpose. If Badana communications and business Private Limited do not receive payment authorisation or any authorisation is subsequently cancelled, Badana communications and business Private Limited may immediately terminate or suspend your access to your Subscription or worldnewsstudio.com Content and in suspicious circumstances we may contact the issuing bank/payment provider and/or law enforcement authorities. Privacy Policy and Cookies info Badana communications and business Private Limited respects your privacy. The information that you provide about yourself to Badana communications and business Private Limited will be used in accordance with Badana communications and business Private Limited’s Privacy Policy. By visiting our website with cookies enabled and accepting cookies via our cookie consent tool you agree to the use of cookies . Changes to the Site Badana communications and business Private Limited reserves the right, in its discretion and at any time, to suspend, change, modify, add or remove portions of worldnewsstudio.com Content available on the Site at any time and to restrict the use and accessibility of the Site. Liability and Indemnity All worldnewsstudio.com Content and services are provided ‘as is’. You indemnify us for breaches of these Terms. Although we endeavour to ensure the high quality and accuracy of the Site and Badana communications and business Private Limited makes no warranty, express or implied concerning worldnewsstudio.com Content, the Site or any software that are made available through the Site (the ” Services”), which are provided “as is”. Badana communications and business Private Limited expressly disclaims all warranties, including but not limited to warranties of fitness for a particular purpose and warranties of merchantability. In no event will Badana communications and business Private Limited, its affiliates, agents, suppliers or licensors be liable for indirect, special, incidental, and/or consequential damages (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information or other pecuniary loss) that may arise directly or indirectly from the use of (or failure to use) or reliance on the Services, even if Badana communications and business Private Limited has been advised of the possibility that such damages may arise. Badana communications and business Private Limited does not guarantee the accuracy, content, or timeliness of the Services or that they are free from viruses or other contaminating or destructive properties. In no event will any liability of Badana communications and business Private Limited or its affiliates, agents, suppliers and licensors to you that may arise out of any kind of legal claim (whether in contract, tort, or otherwise) in any way connected with the Services or in breach of these Terms by Badana communications and business Private Limited exceed the amount, if any, paid by you to Badana communications and business Private Limited for the particular Service to which the claim relates. Upon Badana communications and business Private Limited’s request, you agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Badana communications and business Private Limited, its affiliates, agents, suppliers and licensors from any claims and expenses, including reasonable legal fees, related to any breach of these Terms by you or your use of any Services. Force Majeure Badana communications and business Private Limited will not be held responsible for circumstances beyond its control. Badana communications and business Private Limited, its affiliates and its information providers will not be liable or deemed to be in default for any delay or failure in performance or interruption of the delivery of worldnewsstudio.com Content that may result directly or indirectly from any cause or circumstance beyond its or their reasonable control, including but not limited to failure of electronic or mechanical equipment or communication lines, telephone or other interconnect problems, computer viruses, unauthorised access, theft, operator errors, severe weather, earthquakes or natural disasters, strikes or other labour problems, wars, or governmental restrictions. Miscellaneous Additional Terms apply to your use of worldnewsstudio.com .Changes to these Terms. Badana communications and business Private Limited may, in its discretion, change these Terms (including those that relate to your use of the Site. Whenever the Terms are changed, Badana communications and business Private Limited will notify you by e-mail or by publishing the revised terms on the website. If you use the Site after Badana communications and business Private Limited has published or notified you of the changes, you are agreeing to be bound by those changes. If you do not agree to be bound by those changes, you should not use the Site anymore after they are published. Access to certain worldnewsstudio.com Content may be subject to additional terms and conditions. Assignment of Agreement. This agreement is personal to you and your rights and obligations under these Terms may not be assigned, sub-licensed or otherwise transferred. This agreement may be assigned to a third party by Badana communications and business Private Limited. Non-Waiver. No delay or omission on the part of either party in requiring performance by the other party of its obligations will operate as a waiver of any right. Notices. Notices to Badana communications and business Private Limited must be given in writing, by letter, and sent to Badana communications and business Private Limited 1 HACHMARG,TARATHPORA, KUPWARA, J&K 193224 INDIA India. Severability/Survival/Statute of Limitations. If any provision of these Terms is invalid or unenforceable, such will not render all the Terms unenforceable or invalid. Rather, the Terms will then be read and construed as if the invalid or unenforceable provision(s) are not contained therein. If you are outside of the INDIA, any cause of action of yours with respect to these Terms must be filed in a court of competent jurisdiction in KUPWARA J&K INDIA, within one year after the cause of action has arisen, or such cause will be barred, invalid and void. Whole Agreement. Save as expressly referred to herein, any representation, warranty, term or condition not expressly set out in these Terms shall not apply. Headings. Headings in these Terms are for convenience only and have no legal meaning or effect, nor shall they be taken into account in interpreting these Terms. Term and Termination Badana communications and business Private Limited may at its discretion terminate or suspend your access to WORLD NEWS STUDIO Content at any time without notice to you all or part of the Site with or without cause by delivering notice to you. No Class or Representative Proceedings; Class Action Waiver. YOU AND BADANA COMMUNICATIONS AND BUSINESS PRIVATE LIMITED AGREE THAT EACH MAY BRING CLAIMS AGAINST THE OTHER ONLY IN YOUR OR ITS INDIVIDUAL CAPACITY AND NOT AS A PLAINTIFF OR CLASS MEMBER IN ANY PURPORTED CLASS OR REPRESENTATIVE ACTION. Unless both you and BADANA COMMUNICATIONS AND BUSINESS PRIVATE LIMITED agree, no arbitrator or judge may consolidate more than one person’s claims or otherwise preside over any form of a representative or class proceeding. Redressal In the event of any grievances or write to us at the following address BADANA COMMUNICATIONS AND BUSINESS PRIVATE LIMITED 1 HACHMARG TARATHPORA KUPWARA J&K 193224 INDIA. Termination• We reserve the right to discontinue the service at our discretion and convenience. Jurisdiction• All matters with respect to the Terms & Conditions are subject to the courts of KUPWARA J&K only .
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