About Us


In an age of rapidly evolving events and a constant influx of information, staying updated with accurate and unbiased news is crucial. World News Studio has emerged as a prominent platform, providing readers with a reliable source of global reporting. With its commitment to journalistic integrity, World News Studio has become a go-to destination for those seeking comprehensive coverage of international affairs.

The Founding Principles

World News Studio was founded on the principles of authenticity, impartiality, and inclusivity. The platform’s creators recognized the need for a news outlet that could counteract the spread of misinformation and present news in a manner that transcends geographical boundaries and cultural barriers. Committed to the values of transparency and objectivity, World News Studio set out to become a credible voice in the cacophony of today’s media landscape.

Unbiased Reporting

At World News Studio, journalistic integrity is paramount. The platform takes pride in its dedication to delivering news stories free from sensationalism, bias, or hidden agendas. Each report is meticulously fact-checked and verified by an experienced team of editors, ensuring the utmost accuracy before publication. By doing so, World News Studio fosters trust and credibility among its readers, encouraging an open and informed global dialogue.

Comprehensive Coverage

World News Studio recognizes the interconnectedness of global events and their impact on people worldwide. As such, our coverage extends beyond headline-grabbing stories to encompass a wide range of topics: politics, economics, technology, environment, culture, and more. By exploring multiple facets of a story, the platform provides readers with a comprehensive understanding of complex issues.

In-Depth Analysis

In addition to its news reporting, World News Studio excels in providing in-depth analysis and features that offer context to current events. This enables readers to delve deeper into the underlying causes and implications of global developments, empowering them to form well-informed opinions and make educated decisions.

Global Network of Correspondents

One of the pillars of World News Studio’s success will lie in its establishing expansive network of correspondents worldwide. By having journalists on the ground in various regions, the platform will ensure the reporting is nuanced, accurate, and representative of local perspectives. These correspondents will not only relay breaking news but also contribute to the platform’s unique cultural insights, helping bridge gaps between different parts of the world.

User Engagement

World News Studio is committed to fostering a sense of community among its readers. The platform actively encourages user engagement through comments, feedback, and social media interactions. By valuing the opinions of its audience, World News Studio promotes an inclusive environment where discussions flourish and diverse perspectives are respected.

Adherence to Ethical Standards

In an era where fake news and misinformation abound, World News Studio takes ethical standards seriously. It adheres to a strict code of ethics, ensuring privacy, dignity, and respect for all individuals featured in its reports. Moreover, the platform refrains from endorsing any political, religious, or corporate biases, safeguarding the integrity of its journalism.

World News Studio has emerged as a trusted news source, providing readers with authentic, impartial, and comprehensive reporting on global affairs. Through its commitment to ethical journalism and user engagement, the platform has created a community of informed individuals invested in understanding the world around them. In a time when reliable information is vital, World News Studio stands tall as a beacon of truth in the vast sea of news media. Whether you are an avid news enthusiast or simply seeking to stay informed, World News Studio offers a refreshing and insightful approach to global reporting.

The worldnewsstudio.com , is a news ,analysis, opinion and knowledge venture, launched in January 2021 by BADANA COMMUNICATIONS AND BUSINESS Pvt. Ltd. It is focused on current news in the sphere of politics , sports, science and technology, health and education, arts and lifestyle and entertainment from around the world.

Worldnewsstudio.com is headquartered in Kashmir and is in the process of building a network across the world because we believe in investing in high-quality investigative and questioning journalism.

The team of worldnewsstudio.com under the leadership of its editor Akhtar Badana, the co founder of BADANA COMMUNICATIONS AND BUSINESS Pvt. Ltd. strictly follow our code of ethics:

The worldnewsstudio.com is committed to journalism that involves a responsible, honest, objective and fair pursuit of facts, without any partisan and political affiliation or allegiance to special interest groups. Our guiding philosophy is, liberal on society, liberal on economy.

We pledge to generate content that reflects and fosters the openness of public discourse outside the newsroom and also sets a benchmark for quality and integrity. We are accountable to the trust readers invest in us, by capturing the news, debate and opinion in a manner that is transparent and avoids conflicts of interest.


This Code of Ethics guides and mandates public, online, professional and personal conduct expected of every employee of worldnewsstudio.com. The reputation of worldnewsstudio.com rests on the conduct of each of its employees.

This document is a binding commitment for all employees of BADANA COMMUNICATIONS AND BUSINESS Pvt. Ltd. and worldnewsstudio.com and is signed by them in acknowledgement. All non-editorial employees also acknowledge and understand this code and commit to avoid doing anything that violates its principles.

All the content that is produced under BADANA COMMUNICATIONS AND BUSINESS Pvt. Ltd. and worldnewsstudio.com banner (by employees, guests and contributors) must be put through the highest standards of professional due diligence, rigour, accuracy, fairness and integrity that this code demands.

This document will be periodically updated and reviewed to respond to the rapidly changing media landscape and the evolving rules of engagement in news generation and consumption.


worldnewsstudio.com’s credibility rests on establishing uncompromising standards to avoid conflict of interest or even the appearance of conflict of interest.

No employee of BADANA COMMUNICATIONS AND BUSINESS Pvt. Ltd. or worldnewsstudio.com will sign a public petition unless the organisation itself is participating in the cause.

No employee of worldnewsstudio.com will donate money to political parties or groups that champion political causes.

Any connections with the government, a business group or a civil society group must be avoided or reported to supervisors. Even part-time assignments or associations, whether paid or unpaid, will compromise our independence.

We must create strict walls between ourselves and the subjects we cover and avoid active involvement in any partisan causes – politics, social action, demonstrations – that could compromise our independent ability to report, write and edit fairly. Any such association that is likely to create conflict must be reported to the editors. When we attend an event that we advocate, we must represent ourselves as employees of worldnewsstudio.com We must at no point become participants. Affiliations, memberships or endorsements have the potential to damage our credibility.


We work for no one except BADANA COMMUNICATIONS AND BUSINESS Pvt. Ltd. and worldnews studio.com and any freelance assignment must have the approval of the supervisors. Writing for another publication – online or print – must be done only after permission is given. The article published elsewhere must identify the writer as part of the BADANA COMMUNICATIONS AND BUSINESS Pvt. Ltd. or worldnewsstudio.com Writing under an assumed name is prohibited.

Accepting speaking engagements at conferences and seminars – paid and unpaid – must be cleared with the Editor.


Advertisers or marketing concerns will not influence our news, analysis or opinion.

Advertisements will be marked in such a way that they are easily distinguishable from news content. Sponsored editorial features at worldnewsstudio.com will be clearly labelled and will be visibly different from editorial content.


BADANA COMMUNICATIONS AND BUSINESS Pvt. Ltd. or worldnewsstudio.com staff will not accept expensive gifts from people in position or from people or institutions we cover. If there are gifts that appear inappropriate, expensive, or if the intention is suspect, worldnewsstudio.com employees must immediately inform the Editor.

worldnewsstudio.com employees must not accept favours and hospitality. Free invitations to ticketed events must be declined, unless the purpose is to cover the event or if the seat is in the press gallery. There are some exceptions like invitations to meals.

Material provided to worldnewsstudio.com employees in the course of work belongs to the organisation and must not be resold. These may include books, DVDs, pen drives, gadgets etc.

worldnewsstudio.com employees will not use their press credentials to get out of situations where a law is broken. worldnewsstudio.com employees will not seek commercial discounts that are not available to the general public.

We must not accept preferential treatment because of the position we hold as employees of a media group.

worldnewsstudio.com employees must be scrupulously free of obligation to news sources and to special interests. Our private behaviour as well as our professional behaviour must not bring discredit to our profession or to worldnewsstudio.com or BADANA COMMUNICATIONS AND BUSINESS Pvt. Ltd.

Any disclosure after an alleged breach of the ethics will not be considered as a mitigating factor.


worldnewsstudio.com employees must not buy or sell shares using information accessed by the organisation before it is published. Editorial employees of worldnewsstudio.com will not trade in derivatives. Any shares bought must be held for at least one year and the total shareholding (including those of their immediate family, parents in case of single, spouses) disclosed every six months in a closed envelope to the supervisors.

All employees of worldnewsstudio.com who cover business and financial matters are required to disclose their financial holdings and investments to the Editor-in-Chief and avoid the potential for conflict.

worldnewsstudio.com will disclose any sponsorship arrangement that may also be the subject of an editorial feature.


At worldnewsstudio.com, sources will be identified whenever possible. If a source is not named, worldnewsstudio.com will provide a close description of the person – some kind of identification by ministry, organisation or by position, for example – in order to disclose possible prejudice.

worldnewsstudio.com will also give a reason for not revealing their identity. When we agree to protect a source’s identity, it will not be revealed to anyone outside worldnewsstudio.com

No pseudonyms are to be used. We work with full disclosure of our identity, motives and methods.

Featuring tweets in an article is fine, but using private Facebook posts of others in the copy without consent is prohibited. Public posts on Facebook can be used or quoted only after consulting the Editor or in extraordinary situations.


Plagiarism is a cardinal sin. Content sourced from other media sources or organisations must be attributed and not plagiarised. Lifting text, quotes and images without attribution is plagiarism. Images will not be digitally altered without disclosure.


Employees of worldnewsstudio.com and BADANA COMMUNICATIONS AND BUSINESS Pvt. Ltd. cannot be members of the board of another company or foundation – for profit or non-profit entity – without the supervisor’s permission.

worldnewsstudio.com employees must not engage in political advocacy – either as members of a political party, or an organisation concerned with political change – without the prior consent of the Editor.

worldnewsstudio.com employees will send entries to award competitions only with the express approval of the Editor and disclose any likely conflict of interest in such competitions.

Invitation to an employee of worldnewsstudio.com to travel out of the city/country, arranged by another organisation/business, needs to be cleared by the Editor. Any coverage based on such a trip will carry a clear disclosure that the visit was sponsored/hosted.


Content from stories, interviews, videos, Twitter engagements, Facebook Lives that employees of worldnewsstudio.com participate in is the property of worldnewsstudio.com and BADANA COMMUNICATIONS AND BUSINESS Pvt. Ltd. Any one intending to write or assemble a book or article based on material must first obtain consent from the Editor.


No journalist of worldnewsstudio.com will obtain information by misrepresenting or hiding his/her identity. There will be no exceptions made to this rule.

Blackmailing or threatening a source to part with information or promising positive coverage in return for information is strictly prohibited.


worldnewsstudio.com will not publish offensive words, profanities and obscenities unless they are germane to the article. But even then, it is the decision of the Editor.

worldnewsstudio.com will also not publish offensive, biased references to a person’s religion, caste, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation or disability, unless directly relevant to the story.


worldnewsstudio.com is committed to minimise and correct errors that occur. Readers who point out errors in our content must be treated with respect and thanked. When a correction is made, a line must acknowledge the error in the previous versions of the copy. Anything unfair or factually inaccurate will be duly acknowledged, with regret where called for.


worldnewsstudio.com journalists are committed to produce content without prejudice or malice. Reporters must give reasonable time and opportunity to respond to those who are being mentioned adversely.

The worldnewsstudio.com is solely owned, financed and maintained by BADANA COMMUNICATIONS AND BUSINESS Pvt. Ltd. and relies on funding through advertisements.

For any questions and queries you can mail us on:


or call us on: +91 9419061646

write to us:



1 Hachmarg, Tarathpora, Kupwara, J&K 193224 INDIA. or BADANA COMMUNICATIONS AND BUSINESS Pvt. Ltd. 1st floor Bhat complex near Astan, Airport Road, Humhama, Srinagar 190021 J&K India.

Contact details for customer service and departments at worldnewsstudio.com.

Please ensure that you are contacting the correct department as we can not guarantee that emails are forwarded. All queries must go through the right channels to ensure that we can respond to you.

  • If you have a news tip or a story idea-

mail us at: newsdesk@worldnewsstudio.com

  • For errors, corrections, feedback and suggestions.

mail us at : feedback@worldnewsstudio.com

  • For advertisements related queries

mail us at :advertise@worldnewsstudio.com

  • For any questions regarding privacy and service terms’

mail us at: privacy@worldnewsstudio.com

  • For any other help, questions and queries-

reach us at: info@worldnewsstudio.com

Grievance Redressal

If you have any grievance or complaint regarding the content or services of our news website, you can contact our Grievance Officer by following the steps below:

  1. Write an email to grievance@worldnewsstudio.com with the subject line “Grievance Redressal”.
  2. Provide your name, contact details, and a brief description of your grievance or complaint in the email body.
  3. Attach any relevant documents or screenshots to support your grievance or complaint.
  4. Send the email and wait for a confirmation reply from our Grievance Officer within 24 hours.

Our Grievance Officer will review your grievance or complaint and take appropriate action within 15 days of receiving it. You will be informed of the status and outcome of your grievance or complaint by email.

We appreciate your feedback and cooperation in resolving any issues that may arise from our news website. Thank you for choosing us as your source of information and entertainment.

Grievance Redressal Officer:

Mr. Akhtar Badana

Email: grievance@worldnewsstudio.com (only for grievances and complaints)

Ph.no. +91-9419061646

  • You can call us on :+91 9419061646
  • BADANA COMMUNICATIONS AND BUSINESS Pvt. Ltd. 1st floor Bhat complex near Astan, Airport Road, Humhama, Srinagar 190021 J&K India.